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Monday, October 24, 2011

Sun Catcher

Standing where water meets sand, Sun Catcher stretches her arms waiting for the edge of Twilight: the precise moment where the sun changes from glaring flash of blinding light until it is a golden ball gently descending into the horizon. Sun Catcher reverently opens hands like a bird unfolding its wings and slowly, gently cups the glowing ball of the sun.

The sun is captured.

In that moment all Time stops as Light and Shadow, Earth and Sky, Water and Sand, Surf and Tide,  Motion and Sound are stilled and the slender figure of the maiden holding aloft the glowing ball  of light. Twilight holds its breathe - Night is halted and Day is kept from dying.

Seconds pass. However Sun Catcher realized that that holding back the dying of the light brings no more good than stopping the waves from reaching the shore. Life held back from moving beyond Youth would not have meaning  and Dreams Unfulfilled would stale and crumble. A Universe kept from expanding would crash.

And so with tears of sadness but not regret, Sun Catcher lowered her arms  and set  the golden ball into the horizon. The dying sun turned into a brilliant hue of crimson and slowly sank but not without releasing one final burst of pinkish hues that stretched across the sky and sea. Twilight has arrived.

Now the tide begins to rise, its roaring surf rushing with renewed energy to the darkening shore. Tiny pricks of starlight  like eyes open one by one heralding the coming of  Night. As shadows race toward her in the gathering dark, Sun Catcher is a lonely silhouette bidding farewell to the last faint light from her beloved sun.

And then she is gone.....

(photo by Kara P)

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